New PFLAG Broomfield President

Dear Friends and Family of PFLAG Broomfield,

Greetings! I am humbled and privileged to introduce myself as the new president of the PFLAG Broomfield chapter. First, I want to thank outgoing Board members Sasha and Rebecca for their leadership and tireless efforts in supporting the Broomfield LGBTQ+ community. Your efforts have yielded long-lasting positive impacts for our community, and you will be missed. We look forward to seeing you at the occasional PFLAG event in the future!

I am a father to two teenage daughters, an avid photographer, plant enthusiast, roller derby referee, environmental activist, and a former elected official. My pronouns are he/they. During my time as a Trustee for the Town of Erie from 2018 to 2022, I wrote and read into record Erie’s first Pride Month declaration and had the first ever Pride flags flown at Town properties. I’m also a Board member of Being Better Neighbors in Erie. Last year, BBN held Erie’s first ever Pride event in June that drew almost 4,000 attendees, exceeding our wildest expectations. BBN was also proud to sponsor the recent PFLAG Broomfield All Ages Drag event at the Broomfield Auditorium. 

I look forward to spending quality time with my fellow Board members and the community to plan and execute on a 2023 strategy that includes advocacy, educational events, youth safe spaces, and more to fulfill PFLAG’s vision to create a caring, just, and affirming world for LGBTQ+ people and those who love them.

With love,

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